This is a test.
It is also a link to a site where angry waiters/waitresses report on shitty tippers. As an example, that link will take you to a bunch of posts about J-Lo. I did a search for my own name and luckily came up with nothing.
Which reminds me: I was recently out to eat with a friend, and after I left my tip, my friend said something to the effect of "I forgot, you do like 20%" I didn't have the heart to tell him that 15% stopped being the standard, like, 20 years ago. And now I don't even remember who it was.
So, yeah. First post. I promise in the future they'll be funny.
In all honesty, I think it might have been me. I feel like I was cheaping out alot in Louisville to save on the cash and maybe tried to rationalize rounding down my tips (whereas I typically round up).
So thanks a lot for bringing it up in this arena, dude. In front of everyone to see. This blog was supposed to be for laughs. And here you've gone and sullied that.
No sir, this blog is not funny at all.
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