
rat poison and persian nudity

I don't know if these ramblings are really schmapp-and -chmazz worthy, but I'm in the post mood, and I'm not talking about raisin brain, though two scoops is almost always better than one.

At Target on Sunday night, a wife asked her husband whether some junkfood product that cost $2.50 was a good price or not. Without pause, he said NO and brought up the fact that it's totally disgusting that the said junk food was sitting on the shelf right next to the rat poison. I agree. But is there really ANY good place to put the rat poision? What self-respecting merchandise would welcome sharing shelf-space with rat poision?

**Sorry, I couldn't help but but in. I'm that blue funnel that's good for adding antifreeze to your car. I'm over in the car care section and I wouldn't mind a bit if I was asked to share my space with rat poison. Most of my funnel buddies get used at frat parties anyway, for drinking games involving large quantities of beer. And most of the funnels, at the end of the night, end up on some dirty basement floor or in the back of some nasty truck, or in some dirty dumpster, where some rat poision residue would be more than welcome. So bring on the rat poison.

Ok...I guess I should know better than ask a question that I didn't want an aswer for.


At 11:18 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Im my grocery Store, the rat poison is next to the tampons. I find that both more and less disturbing.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger TFO said...

I never notice where the rat poison is. but persian nudity i would notice, at least at Target.


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